
Never give up!

Fasting made easy – this way you’ll stick to your plan all the way through!

This time of the year might be the perfect motivation to put ideas into practice. Do you want to lose weight or cleanse your body? The Clean your body and Shape your body sets support you in your individual fasting plan. Even though it might be demanding, these ultimate tips will definitely help you get through it.

5 tips – you can do it!

Sticking it out all through Lent can be tough. It’s not always easy to keep to your plan because a fasting cure calls for perseverance and mental strength. These tips will help you to reach your goal:

#1 Set your goal

If you fast, you firstly need a reason for fasting in the first place. I give up cigarettes because I want to reduce my risk of lung cancer. I cut the time I spend watching TV so I can do more with my loved ones. I give up sweets to reduce my weight. So you need to know in advance what you’re giving up and why. That way you have a clear goal in sight and once Lent is over, you’ll be able to see if you’ve achieved it. It’s also important to set yourself a realistic goal that is possible to achieve.


#2 Prepare yourself mentally and physically

 In order to keep to your fasting plan, you must prepare yourself both mentally and physically. As we all know, preparation is half the battle. So before Lent actually starts, put in the occasional day when you do without or reduce your consumption of chocolate, cigarettes or whatever it is you’ll be giving up for the fast period. This gradual reduction will make it easier for you to stop completely during Lent.

BEYOND spermidineAutophagy is automatically triggered by the spermidine contained in BEYOND spermidine . During autophagy – which also happens, for example, when we fast – our cells shed damaged or useless components. 


#3 It’s easier with company

We can easily lose our motivation for fasting if we go it alone. There’s no-one around to pester and drill us and remind us of what we’ve agreed to do. So to help you see your fasting plan through, find a buddy who will fast with you. You can push each other and stop each other from slipping up. You can talk about your experience, and work together on achieving your goals. As the saying goes: we’re stronger together.


#4 Be optimistic

It’s naturally also very important to stay focused, keep your goal in sight, and don’t let yourself get sidetracked. The best way of doing that is to train your mental strength, and give yourself pep talks. Positive thinking helps to ensure that you don’t stray from your path, and allows you to get through possible fasting crises with ease. So remember: always be aware of exactly why you’re fasting, and think positive thoughts – if there’s a will, there’s a way!


#5 Distraction is the best defence

When we’re trying to give something up, temptation can sometimes become unbearable. But don’t give in to it – you absolutely can’t give up! If you’re at a real low point, try to distract yourself. Distract yourself with sport, meet up with friends and talk things through with them, take up knitting, learn a new language, or get involved in something you enjoy that won’t lead you into temptation. You can do it!

Never give up!

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